Putting Service in Software

There tends to be a service expectation to online software that is different than the service expectation from desktop boxed software.

When the software provider also processes the customer’s data, there is an expectation that customers can call and get help not only about the software, but about how to handle certain entries or why a certain entry resulted in a certain outcome.  Customers also expect ongoing staff training.

This is as it should be. Software is usually not self-running. We don’t have driverless software yet and when we do, there will still be questions – maybe more questions.

Online software like QuickBooks online and Interbill online are referred to as “Software As A Service” or “SAAS”.  This designation, appears to communicate some recognition among software providers and software users that there is an additional service component to this new world of online software.

At Interbill, we look upon our service as a partnership with our law office customers, to get the law office billing job done.

For small law offices, with little staff support, we believe this service partnership is very important in making sure billing gets done on time and the office is responsive to client billing requests.

All law offices tend to be busy places, focused, as they should be, on performing legal services for clients. Business tasks tend to come last and are often deferred or do not get done. Staff vacations, sicknesses and turnover can cause even more interruptions in billing and cash flow.

Most law offices cannot operate without regular cash flow and clients do not like delayed bills. If a law office uses increasingly popular client payment plans, not sending out payment plan bills can mean payment expectations are not met and the law office communicates an attitude about billing and getting paid that is not as serious as it should be.

Responsive customer service can be the key to making sure a law office can keep a billing system running. Interbill has always prided itself on immediate and experienced customer service. Our average customer service person has been working as a Interbill Customer Service Representative for 16 years.

We know our attorney customers have an hourly rate that usually exceeds $250 an hour, so every minute they have to wait is costing the attorney almost $5. We also know that most staff people do not come free.   As a result, Interbill does not use phone trees or menus which delay response time. When you call Interbill, the person who answers the phone can take care of any question you have. They can also assist you in making entries whether you are an experienced user or not. Our Customer Service staff is always available for training new staff.

To find out more about how Interbill keeps your billing going through personnel changes, vacations and illness and makes sure your billing is always done on time, please call 800.733.9933 or email info@interbill.com.

Phil Paisley

Billing For Attorneys For 52 Years

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