Customer Testimonials

Excerpts from letters and emails we have received:

  • The most adequate adjective for the system is “user friendly”…by comparison other programs are more complicated and time consuming. Thank you and your staff for providing a great system.
  • …it has been my motto that, “people who complain are the guardians of quality”. By the same token, people entitled to a compliment also deserve it. I have long waxed poetic about the incredible service of Interbill, and the importance it plays in my law office…I am committed to it (Interbill) for the duration of my professional practice life and I can’t imagine being without it.
  • Everything you claim in your promotional information is true, e.g., our collection problems have already improved…Your customer service staff is exceptional.
  • I find Interbill to be an efficient service furnished by courteous people at a reasonable price, something difficult to find these days…You may thank us for being clients, but we thank you for providing an invaluable service.
  • Interbill is the most efficient and easiest billing program for anyone to learn.
  • Interbill does all the work and helps me to get paid for the legal services I provide…Thanks for providing a really great service..
  • The system offered by Interbill is one of the best – I have yet to find a flaw in your system…and I have personally recommended Interbill to other offices in our community.
  • Interbill has been able to meet all our billings needs. It is a highly efficient service designed to simplify the billing process.
  • We have used Interbill now for at least five years. It has been the best billing program we have ever used. It is convenient and easy to use… We will continue to use Interbill for as long as we practice law.
  • Nine years ago my wife told me in no uncertain terms to give Interbill a call. I guess she had seen enough of my home-spun serendipitous approach to billing and timekeeping to know that I was in serious need of professional help. Dealing with Interbill has been a pleasure. I cannot remember a time when I couldn’t get my question answered in a courteous fashion by the first person who answered the phone (usually on one or two rings). No busy signal, no voice mail hell, no answering machine, just a live, cordial human voice that answers your questions in ten seconds. Now that’s service.
  • We strongly believe that we have saved thousands of dollars and countless hours by using Interbill for our billing.
  • Interbill is one of the few companies that can be counted on to provide uniformly excellent service. The practice of law can be hard work. With Interbill, at least the billing is easy.
  • After using Interbill for my billing statements for the past four months I find your services superlative…I consider Interbill to be an asset of this firm.
  • We have always been impressed by the fact that you are constantly upgrading and improving your services…As far as we are concerned, Interbill receives our highest endorsement and we would be happy to recommend your services to anyone. I wish all the companies we have to deal with had Interbill’s qualities and standards. We look forward to being a satisfied customer of yours for many more years.

Billing For Attorneys For 52 Years

Learn why solo practitoners select our attorney billing software over our competitors. No obligation.